Club2Class Knowledge Base

Upload Events to a Class Calendar

Club2Class alllows club and class administrators to upload calendar entries for a class or a class within a Special Event.

Club adminstrators can manage class and special event class calendar data from the Class Management Dashboard and Special Event Management Dashboard found in their Club Administrator Tools.

Class adminstrators can manage class calendars directly from their Class Administrator Tools.

To upload multiple calendar entries for your class you will need to create a comma separated value (.csv) file.

When creating the file, it is important to include the correct headings to ensure the data matches with the correct fields in Club2Class. You can find more information on this below.

If you need further help please contact

Setting up your .csv file

Your spreadsheet should have a header row, a series of columns and data values, such as the following:

Event Name Event Date Event Type Event Detail Send Auto Email Send Auto Email Days Prior
Summer Series Race 1 23 Aug 2018 07:57 Sailboat Racing HW 13:00 b2b racing TRUE 7

Required header rows / content

Your header row MUST contain the following comma separated column names and data values.

Column name Allowable Value / Example
Event Name Text (e.g. Summer Series Race 1)
Event Date 'dd MMM YYYY HH:mm (e.g. '22 Aug 2018 13:30)
Event Type Text (see below re Event types)

Important: when entering dates into the spreadsheet they should be in the above format and preceeded with an apostrophe mark (').

Optional header rows / content

Your header row may optionally contain the following comma separated column names and data values.

Column name Allowable Value / Example
Event Detail Text (e.g. tide or other relevant info; HW 13:00 b2b race)
Is All Day Event TRUE or FALSE
Event End Date 'dd MMM YYYY HH:mm (e.g. '22 Aug 2018 13:30)
Send Auto Email TRUE or FALSE
Send Auto Email Days Prior Whole number (e.g. 7, 14)

Important: when entering dates into a spreadsheet they should be in the above format and preceeded with an apostrophe mark (').

Event Types

Allowable event types vary depending on the class. To view a list of the allowable events for your class please download the example upload file by clicking the link in the Upload page.